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National Contract Management Association – Sacrament Gold Rush Chapter Elections 2019-2020
May 12, 2019 - May 26, 2019
- « NCMA Certifications: What You Need to Know: 17 January 18 9:00 AM PST-9:30 PST: Join NCMA for this free, half-hour discussion of the ins and outs of our three esteemed contract management certifications. We will give a detailed overview of each certification, the process to apply and sit for your exam, and the benefits of NCMA certifications in the marketplace. We will also address live questions. This webinar is open to both NCMA members and nonmembers.
- TOPGOLF- Networking Event with NCMA Sacramento GoldRush Chapter »
We are at that time of the year that NCMA Sacramento Gold Rush Chapter is planning for our upcoming 2019/2020 Program Year and that means it is time to solicit nominations and vote for next year’s Chapter Board to lead our group to another successful year.
JOIN US! Be part of the volunteer Team of professionals that set up, direct, coordinate and execute events in our Chapter. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Many — but for one — Leadership. This is an opportunity to practice the art of Leadership where a mistake is not going to cost you — your job. In this environment — you get to hone your Leadership skills in real time ultimately making you a more marketable and competitive professional. If you are career minded and are interested in moving up the corporate ladder, what a fantastic opportunity to receive free Executive Board experience at no cost to you. THINK OF IT AS AN INVESTMENT!!!! No one can take that away! This shows leadership experience on your resume! You can’t receive this in a college setting or in a company if you are not in a position to gain that Leadership experience.
Below are the available positions along with their roles:
Chapter President:
President’s Role:
- Identifying, developing, and mentoring new chapter leaders;
- Developing the chapter’s annual operating plan, membership recruitment plan, and membership retention plan with other officers and volunteers;
- Overseeing the performance of chapter officers and other volunteers;
- Ensuring that resources are in place for the chapter to effectively operate and that resources are used for the purpose intended;
- Ensuring that an annual audit is conducted;
- Voting in the national elections; and
- Serving as the chapter’s voice to the national organization through the elected NCMA board directors, and sharing national information with chapter officers, volunteers, and members.
President Elect:
President Elect’s Role:
- Assuming the duties of the president in the event of his or her absence;
- Advising and assisting the president in the conduct of his or her duties;
- Serving as a member of the chapter’s board of directors;
- Performing functional duties assigned to the position, if any; and
- As president-elect, assuming the duties of the presidency the following program year.
Treasurer’s Role:
- Maintaining the chapter treasury and financial records;
- Obtaining and maintaining a Federal Tax ID number for the chapter;
- Receiving funds from activities and depositing these funds into the chapter’s bank account;
- Processing check or credit card payments;
- Producing and providing financial reports to the chapter board of directors each month;
- Filing the annual financial report with the national office; and
- Absent an audit committee, identifying the individual to conduct the annual audit of the chapter’s financial records
Secretary’s Role:
- Notifying board members of board meetings;
- Recording, distributing, and retaining meeting minutes;
- Maintaining the chapter bylaws;
- Notifying the national office of the results of chapter elections and appointments of volunteers; and
- Absent a Webmaster, maintaining the content of the chapter’s website.
VP Programs & Education:
VP Programs & Education Role:
- Preparing an agenda of programs and educational seminars for the program year;
- Coordinating the invitation of speakers for all such programs; and
- Coordinating announcements and invitations for all such programs.
- Arranging for Continuing Education credits to be awarded for attendance to educational seminars;
- Writing articles on programs for the membership newsletter and website
VP of Membership:
VP of Membership’s Role:
- Recruiting new members to NCMA and contacting headquarters for promotional materials for membership recruitment
- Maintaining chapter membership roster records and reports
- Establishing a membership campaign for new and renewing NCMA members
- Pulling data for Membership Anniversaries and preparing certificates for awards ceremonies
- Provide updates at board meetings concerning chapter membership data.
If you would like to volunteer for a position on the NCMA Sacramento Gold Rush Chapter’s Board, please indicate your desired position and respond to Kenetta Meares @ncmagoldrush@gmail.com by 26 May April 2019.
Thank you.